1- Ademas. Moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition, as well as
2- Agarrar- grab, grasp, clutch,clench, cling
3- Aguja. Spire, needle
4- Alardear. Bluster, boast, brag. Crow, vaunte
5- Alegre- cheerful, jolly, lively, glee
6- Alimentar. Feed, nourish, nurture
7- Aliviar. Assuage, ease
8- Anhelos-yearning, longing, long for, lust,
9- Aplastar. Quell, tamp
10- apoyo. Buttress, proa, brace,back
11- Apoyo. Support, back, prop, bittress, lean
12- Aprender. Learn, master, fathom, apprehend
13- Apresurado. Rush, hasty, pick hour
14- Arruinar. Spoil, bungle, wreck, blight, doom, ruin, undo,blight, waste
15- Asalto. Assail, attack
16- Asesino. Murderer, killer, thug, bully
17- Asustarse. Frighten, scare, nervous
18- Baba. Slobber, dribble
19- baboso- silly, drooling, slimy
20- Borrar. Efface, erase
21- Brillar. Glow, sparkle, beam, buff, blaze
22- Bromear- tease, joke, kidding, fool
23- Bruja. Hag, warlock, witch, bewiwitching
24- Brujo. Wizard, witch, warlock, quack
25- Bruto. Dull, blunt, clumsy, blockhead, cumbersome, oaf, dumb, moron,idiot, stupid
26- Burlarse. Mock, scoff, taunt, contemp, despise
27- Cancelar-fire, sack, dismiss, idle
28- Caracteristica. Trait, lineament, feature
29- Carcel. Jail, prison, dungeon, penal
30- Casa-tenement, cottage, house, dwell, shanty, shack, quarters
31- Causar. Inflict, trigger, couse, elicit
32- Ceramica. Ware, pottery
33- Chiminea- fireplace, shimney, smokestack
34- Compañero. Mate, buddy, colleague, fellow
35- conducir- drive, convey, guide, steer, direct
36- Considerar. Deem, ponder, cogitate, reckon, regard,
37- Constituir-formar. To form, set up, to establish, to constitute, make up, fundar
38- Corbata. Cravat, necktie, tie
39- Corromper. Taint, debauich, bribe
40- Criar. Rear, breed
41- cuartel. Garrison, barracks, harness, fortress
42- Cultivar. Sow, till, grow,
43- Debilitarse- weaken, wither
44- Delantal. Apron, pinafore
45- Desgracia. Mishap, woe
46- Desnudo- bare, nude, naked
47- Desprecio. Scorn, despise, contempt, slight
48- Destruir. Dash- ruin, destroy, splash, strike
49- Diablo- hell, devil, demon, fiend
50- Dificil. Difficult, awkward, uphill
51- Disputa/pelea. Spat, contest, argument, dispute, hassle, wrangle, row, tussle, battle, feud, scuffle, squabble, brawl, melee, fraca, struggle, fray, skirmish
52- Dolor. Pain, sore, grief, sorrow, throe
53- Dormitar. Drowse, doze, nap
54- Empujar- shove, push, press
55- Encadenar. Tether, fetter, bond, chain
56- Encogerse- shring, shrug, wince
57- Enfurecer. Rage, outrage, tantrum
58- Engañar- trick, deceive, mislead, cheat, to be unfaithful,
59- Enojarse. Outrage , bristle, chafe, anger
60- Enredar. Tangle, entangle, mat ,snarl
61- Equivocarse. Blunter, mistake, error
62- Escenario. Stage, scene, setting
63- Escombro. Debris, rubble, ruin
64- Escribir. Write, type, pen, spell
65- Espantoso. Ghastty.homble.
66- Espina. Thorn, fish bone, thistle
67- espuma- foam, froth
68- Estorbo. Hinder, inrance, barrier, encumber
69- Evitar. Avoid, shun
70- Expresar. Utter, convey, embody, tell
71- Falsear. Tamper, counterfeit, sham, fake
72- Familiar. Kindred, cognate, akin
73- Firmar. Sign, ink
74- fuego. Flame, blaze, fire
75- Garra- paw, claw
76- Gemir- groan, whine, moan, wail
77- Generoso. Bounty, lavish
78- Golpear. Blow, slap, rap, bang, beat, batter, clout,
79- Goteo- drip, tickle, dribble
80- Grim-grim. Cruel, feroz, severo, macabro
81- grito- yell, shout, gasp, bawl, holler
82- Grosero. Rude, coarse, boorish
83- Gruñir- growl, grunt, snarl
84- Habil. Nimble, cunning, skilful,adroit, slick
85- Hablar entre diente- mutter, mumble
86- Hacer añicos. Shatter, shred, ravage
87- Herir. Stab, dash, thrust, wound, injury
88- Horrible. Awful, dreadful, horrible
89- Horriible. Awful, dread, veli, evil, hideous
90- Humedad. Damp, moist
91- Hurgar. Fumble
92- Incapacitar. Cripple, disable
93- Inteligente. Clever, smart, witt, keen, canny
94- Inundar- swamp, drown
95- Ladron. Robber, racketeer, thief, crook, burglar, mugger
96- Lisiar. Maim, cripple.
97- Llorar- weep, sob, pout
98- Loco- crazy, nuts, mad, cranky, insane, madmen, crackpot, cranky
99- Madriguera- burrow, lair, den, warren
100- Maldecir. Curse, damn
101- Malestar-unrest, malaise, trouble, hinder, disturb
102- Malo. Bad, vile, wicked, evil, amiss
103- Mancha- stain, blur, blemish, blear, mole, bruise, freakle, tarnish, spot
104- maquina de querra- Crossbow- Chariot- chaeriet
105- Matar. Kill, slay, murder
106- Maton. Thug, bully,hoodlum
107- Mezclar. Blend, mix, mingle, compound, jumble
108- Miembro, rama, agencia. Limb, Branco
109- Mirar. Stare, sight, gaze, gleam, peer
110- Molestar. Annoy, annoyance, bothernuisance
111- Morir. Die, decease, perish, vanish, demise
112- Obstaculo- balk, barrier, buffer, cloc, deter, hinder, forbid, preclude
113- ola- surf, wide
114- Olvido. Forget, oblivion
115- Ordenado- tidy, orderly, neat
116- Oscuridad. Murk, dark, gloom
117- Palidecer- blanch, pale, pallor
118- Pantalones. Pants, trousers, breeches
119- Pantano. Marsh, bog, swamp
120- Pañuelo/bufanda. Hankershief, muffler
121- Parada- stop, halt
122- Peligro. Peril, pitfall, danger, risk
123- Pendiente- hill, slope
124- Pereza. Leziness, idle
125- Perspicacia. Acumen, insight
126- Picaro- rascal, mischievous, rogue, wicked, impish, naughty
127- Picazon- itch, prick, sting, bite
128- Pinchazo. Prick, puncture, needle
129- Plan- design, plot, trace
130- Preocuparse. Fret, worry
131- Presumir. Brag, boast
132- Principio. Principle, tenet. outset
133- Proeza. Stunt
134- Provocar. Elicit, trigget
135- Punto muerto. Stalemate, standstill, deadlock
136- Punto. Dot, point, period, sharp, spot, stitch
137- Queja. Complain, carp
138- Rapido. Brisk, quick, fast, rapid
139- Rastro. Track, trail, hint, trace, cue
140- Rechazar. Spurn, denie, repel, rebuff
141- Refugio. Haven, harbor, shelter
142- Regañar/reprochar- rebuke, scold, chide, lecture, mutter
143- Reir- laugh, chukle, giggle, guffaw
144- Resoplar- pant, snort
145- Reventar. Burst, blow up, pop, explode
146- Robar. Rob, steal, break into, plunder, rifle,loot
147- Robo. Robbery, thef
148- Ronco. Husky, throaty
149- Ropa. Dress, garmen, jersey, apparel, attire, shift,suit, clad, vest
150- Rosquilla. Doughnut, bagel
151- Ruido. Rumble, chine, ado, clatter
152- Sagrado/santo- sacred, holy, saint
153- Saltar- leap, spring, bounce, bound
154- Secuestrar. to kidnap, to abduct, to hijack
155- Seducir. Allure, entice
156- Severo. Harsh, hard, stern, grievous
157- Si. Yes, yeah, if, whether, so
158- Soledad- Solitude-salatud, loneliness
159- Sonrisa. Grin, smile, giggle, snicker
160- Sucio. Dirty, nasty, messy, grimy, grubby, neglet, sleventy, filthy, dingy
161- suficiente- smug, suffice
162- Suposicion. Conundrum, guess, riddle
163- Tamalerarse. Totter, stagger teeter, falter
164- Tirar. Pitch, chuck, cast, throw, dash, toss, slink,, hurl
165- Tolerar. Brook, countenance
166- Tonto. Dummy, idiot, dump, fool, silly, dull
167- Trabajo. Job, temp, work, occupation
168- Tragar- swallow, guzzle, eat, gobble, gorge
169- Transportar. Haul, carriage, shuttle
170- Travieso- impish, naughty
171- Triste. Sad, dismal, chagrin, distress, gloomy, sorrow, dol, bleak
172- Vago- loafer, loll, idle, lazy
173- Veneno. Poison, bane
174- Ventanilla. Outlet, vent
175- Volver. Be back, comeback, return , call again, to do again.
176- mala calidad. shoddy-shadi
177- engaño. Deceit, trick, cheat, lure, mislead, fake, dupe
178- falso. Bogus
179- ganso. Goose, grander, nerd
180- aturdir. Stun, bewilder
181- grua. Tuck, crane, hoist
182- bajar. Down, dip, decline, fall
183- gotear. Drip, leak
184- gota. Drop, bead, gout, gargle
185- pastille. Drop, tablet, pill
186- dificultar. Hinder, hamper, keep back, hold back
187- acusar. Indict, finger